Thursday, November 29, 2007

Don't ask me why I did it...

...but tonight, I rode my bicycle both TO and FROM work in the snow.

Dude, I am so totally hardcore right now.


Elaine Denning said...

...and you actually got there and back in one piece?

Jenny Wynter said...

Yes, if you can believe it. My entire head was numb, my ears were physically throbbing and I was heaving for half an hour afterwards(as in the breathing kind, not yakking thank heavens) but I didn't slip off somehow. My hubby was all 'you are one hardcore chick', but I really wanted to do it if only in the name of experience. I think that says quite a lot about me actually. :-)

Elaine Denning said...

But would you do it again...that is the question!

Hayley said...

I did that once, i say once fell off my little hairdryer powered moped and spent a few minutes staring up at the sky. Then this woman wearing high heels came clip clopping over and asked if I was alright!
Doh! Nothing was hurt except my pride.

Jenny Wynter said...

Miss - Well, thus far the answer seems to be 'no'. But I never say never!!!

Hayley - Yikes, I can totally see that happening! And don't underestimate the sting of hurt pride, I can tell you from the time I fell over flat on my butt in a prickle patch while trying to kick a soccer ball to my son wearing thongs...I think my pride was bruised for a good week after that.