Thursday, April 17, 2008

Montreal Comedy Fest, Banff World Television Fest, etc.

I just sat down today and mapped out what the next few months of our life are going to look like, and suffice to say that I feel like taking the Jen who was complaining inwardly about how slowly things were progressing and slapping her in the face with a big chunk of salmon. Except that I seriously don't wish to be bear bait.

Anyhoo, lots of cool things are happening in the next month, so many in fact that I feel like a completely spoiled brat. Gees. Then again, every time I feel guilty about it, I just remind myself of the times when it seemd like all my friends were off globetrotting while I was shoving my jibblies into mouths full of freshly-cut teeth, making daily friends with nappies and their contents and cursing the heavens wondering why I hadn't taken my chance to get overseas when I was young and free and reckless.

Then, THEN...I feel better.

But yes, today I booked my ticket to Montreal for the Comedy Festival in July, I'm so excited I could almost scream. Agh! There you go, got it out of my system. Before that in June I am heading to the amazing Banff World Television Festival to try my hand at serious schmoozing (and am using it as a serious deadline/motivator in the meantime), in August will be doing the Loose Moose training intensive, somewhere squished in there is the rest of the Banff Centre residency and then in September...da, da, da, da, da, da! I'm coming back for a brief sojourn in Oz to be Matron-de-Honour at my sister's wedding. Ooh la la!

Note to self: now is the time to start cutting back on the bagels.



Miss Construed... said...

Everyone deserves to live theirs dreams; but especially you Jen.

All the luck in the world to you Babe!

Louise said...


I told you (ok, some would say 'I warned you'-- let's leave the details up to the lawyers) that one of these days I was going to track you down and we could have a real chuckle in person....

I'm coming to Montreal in July (1st to 14th)... please, please, pretty please with a cherry on top say you may just happen to be there at the same time...

Would love to grab a drink in Ol' Montreal with ya.

(Seriously though- how cool would that be?)

Jenny Wynter said...

Miss Constrewed - thanks heaps babe, your support has always meant more to me than I'm sure you know.

Lou - You will not believe this but I fly in on the FIFTEENTH!!!!! AGH! Is there anyway you can extend your stay? I know that's a massive ask just for a drink, but amazing would that be, I'm SOOOO up for it!!! xox

Miss Construed... said...

As your's has to Me.


Louise said...

Dammit. I've been trying to figure out a way to make this work, but our tickets are fixed- they were about $200 cheaper each that way, so we took it thinking: "What could we possibly need to change the ticket dates for?"
As for meeting at the airport- we are actually flying out of New York on the 16th, but need to meet someone there on the evening of the 15th. IF you get in to Montreal early enough, we could hook it up before we drive to NY... it would be a flying coffee, but it would still be cool.
Let me know what time your flight arrives.