Friday, April 20, 2007

In the Motherhood

Check this out - an interactive web-series being made about adventures in mum-dom (or to be precise, 'mom-dom') where anybody can actually write their own stories and have them put in the show. mind is reeling!

Though somehow I doubt they'd be keen to recreate the horror episode of my life where Ella decided to decorate the local kids' pool with tiny pellets of poo. Not only would they have to create some serious special effects, but they'd have to find an actress who could swallow the diva factor and jump in a pond of fake diarrhea.

Yep. Never gonna happen.

1 comment:

Cazzie!!! said...

My baby made me a delicious, or so ot would seem, sandwich yesterday because I was sick with the flu.
"I will make you a sandwich mum". Scatters off, I could see her hands waving a butterknife about a piece of bread..she comes to me, "THere you go mum".
Mmmmmm a nutella sadwich, with HEAPS of nutella on it....took one bite of it..Ohhhh Miaaa what a lovely VEGIMITE sandwich!!!