Friday, December 22, 2006

A Christmas Poem

This poem would work so much better if I could only set it to the music that's in my head as I write it. Oh well...please just use your imagination and apply your backing music of choice.

I'm planning to spend Christmas
Eating lots and lots of good food,
Followed by some drinkies
And a lovely week at Woodford.

But enough about me, what about you?
I'm a self-absorbed young fairy,
Whatever plans you have I hope
They're fun and light and merry.

Have fun dear darlings, don't spend too much
And whether the day's snowy or sunny,
Know you've had some Christmas wishes
From the Comic Mummy.



Anonymous said...

Heresh hoping you have a happy and shafe but more importantly, inebriated Chrishthmash. Sheashonsh Greetingsh!

- qlsxi

Rose said...

Have a great Christmas and great poem...

Cazzie!!! said...

Merry Christmas to you too.

Jenny Wynter said...

qlsxi - at first read, I thought your name was actually "heresh" and you were just talking about yourself in the third person. Now I see you were jusht plashtered. Good for you. Merry Chrishtmash. :-)

Rose - this old thing? Oh, I just dragged it up out of the cupboard...

Caz - I'd say right back atchya, but then we could keep that bouncing back and forth for years couldn't we? Oh, alright then...have a good one too!!! xx