Sunday, December 16, 2007

New links: finally!!

Forgot to mention I've also updated my links list, which now includes - in addition to my wonderful new cyber-buddy Miss Understood - some really wicked blogs revolving around comedy and writing respectively. So if you get that loving feeling, check em out!!


Julie Gray said...

Hi Jenny! Thank you for linking the Rouge Wave! I've spent some time on your site and you are hilarious, beautiful, cool, talented - well, no need to belabor it - a lot like me! ;)

I am not allowed to go into tattoo parlors now without a buddy because I cannot be trusted. And babies? Two. A boy and a girl. Done. Cross that off the list.

Thanks for such a great blog, I have linked you too and more than that, mentioned you in a blog post today. Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oy oy oy!

Elaine Denning said...

Oooh, you linked me! Thanks for that...I feel honoured! I think I may just check out the others....

Girl Clumsy said...

Ah, jeez.

Not only am I feel completely uninspired to write anything at the moment, you go and link to a whole lot more great blogs that make me feel vastly inferior as a writer and human being.


I'm sure I'll come up with an idea again one day...

Jenny Wynter said...

Julie - Well, I don't really know what to say in response to that - my inflated ego allows no room for actual thought, so in the absence of a considered response, 'thank you!' And welcome to ze blog!!

Miss - Yeah I've been meaning to add you for ages, feels good to at least have accomplished SOMETHING this week!

Nat - Oh don't you worry Missy, it all goes in seasons, doesn't it? I mean, you produced pretty close to an entire essay a day during October from what I recall. Anyhoo, it's Christmas time, tis the season to be jolly, the season to be inspired follows closely after the last bit of pudding has been digested. Or so I believe. :-)