Monday, June 09, 2008

Update from Banff World Television Festival #1

You know, I think I could get used to this schmoozing thing. At first, stepping into the pit of hundreds upon hundreds of networking TV peeps was more than a little intimidating, but sure enoug, once I started just taking the leap and getting past the "Hi! I'm Jenny!" bit, the rest just rolled with the sweetness of a juicy mango at Christmas time.

So many interesting people. So much possibility! Loving it!!!

Oh! Oh! Oh! And I met Colin Mochrie (from Whose Line Is It Anyway) this afternoon!!! AGH!

Could there BE any more overuse of exclamation marks in the one blog entry? I think NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Of course, you should have entered ala Jack Nicholson, beating down a door with an axe, glaring maniacally through the door with psychopath eyes, and snarling 'HERE'S JENNY!' to the television audience.

Please tell me this is what you did.

Anonymous said...

And by television audience, naturally, I mean audience of television industry workers. Naturally. I in no way misread the post...

Jenny Wynter said...

That's a great idea for an intro actually - ta! And no, I trust your unfailing attention to detail. Fear not!