Monday, October 01, 2007

New toys and new goals: I'm going public!

I bit the bullet today and bought a schmicko new keyboard - my new toy, bigger and better than the old one I left behind in Oz - and eagerly awaiting friendship from my fingertips. I'm half tempted to set my alarm a little earlier each morning for some committed practice time...but I'm already so committed to sleep...

This purchase has refreshed my enthusiasm for getting my act together and as such, I've decided that my goals for the next little while are:

- to set up a regular comedy gig locally, specifically so I can try out new material as I write it for my new festival show;

- to get a North American agent who will either find me lots of gigs, organise a tour following the Banff Centre residency, kick-start me on the TV route and/or all of the above;


- get some more paid writing work.

Oh well, I've gone public with it now - hopefully the fear of shame will drive me towards success. Either that, or towards rehab. Stay tuned!


Girl Clumsy said...

I read this and thought in puzzlement - "Why is Jenny so excited about a keyboard? Surely it's just a heap of buttons with letters on them. OK, some have fancy controls, but still, you just use it for typing."

Then I realised you meant piano keyboard.


Now that makes more sense!

Anonymous said...

Me, I first read 'schmicko keyboard' as 'schizo keyboard'. If it was a 'schizo keyboard', it would have a double personality, and you could use it in shows as well as at the computer which would be quite useful.

Incidentally, get paid to write more is something we all need to do. Are they paying you for your newspaper column at the moment?

Jenny Wynter said...

Girl Cclumsy - The day I get that excited about a computer keyboard: please euthenase me.

Mr Anon - Funny you should say that, my ideal is actually to have a very schizo machine which can fulfil my every multimedia need onstage.

Yeah I'm getting paid, though not an enormous amount. Still, I'm stoked just to be doing it, plus it means I can get into some cool stuff for free. Hopefully that continues!!!