Monday, August 28, 2006

The Good the Bad and the Downright Intolerable

The Good:

The Livewired gig went pretty well (despite my self-imposed pressure to be 'funnier' than before I left for the States) and then returned home to listen to the compilation CD given to me by my ZZZ co-host Alex Oliver: "The Best of the Frog and Peach". It made me chuckle.

The Bad:

My house, despite being cleaned from top to toe by my sister in my overseas absence, has since returned to its usual bomb-site state.

The Downright Intolerable:

I'm beginning to think I'm never going to not feel tired.


Cazzie!!! said...

I have been on my hands and knees cleaning the carpet with wool wash..and I am tired too :( A mum's job is NEVER done :(

Huggies said...

So when does the CD go on sale at Skinny's and Rockinghorse ?

Louise said...

remember: for every hour of time difference between the countries you've flown from/to, it takes a day to recover. So if there is new york is 10 hours behind us (I don't actually know the time difference, I'm just guessing) then it will take ten days to completely get over your jet-lag.

I have that on good authority from a Neurologist friend, so cut yourself a little slack... it gets better.

Rebecca said...

Hi Comic Mummy,
Simple solution to "The Bad". Just go overseas again, so you sister will have to clean house again. South Molle Island is overseas isn't it?

Sharpie said...

Well, I say tip back a few until your eyes close - that takes care of seeing the mess and the sleep. See, I am HERE for you.

Jenny Wynter said...

Caz - oh boy. See that's where we differ. I think about washing my carpets, but then I just wait a little bit and the thought passes. Kudos to you.

Huggies - hmmmm, interesting thought! At the least we could distribute some through our show. *rubbing hands together* Interesting, very interesting.

Louise - thanks for the reputable advice (or as I prefer to call it, justification for my cranky ways of late).

Rebecca - you're brilliant. I'm working on it as I type.

Sharpie - oh yes, now all I need is some ear-muffs to complete the vision. Either that or just carry around a bucket of water to stick my head in every time I want silence.

Wow, you guys really ARE here for me!