Thursday, August 17, 2006

My first New York hot-dog

This one's for you Rebecca.


Cazzie!!! said...

OMG!!! That looks so nice...can I email you some of that soup I have been having on my diet this week in exchange of that HotDog? :)
Glad to see you are having such fun...any chance you get to see Drew Carey? Or have you seen him already?

Jenny Wynter said...

Caz - It was nice, and given that I'm not a hot-dog fan that's saying something! E-mail the soup away - I'll wire you a bagel as well if you like.

Haven't seen Drew Carey yet - I believe he's based in LA though so maybe on the weekend. Or not. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Comic Mummy,
w00t! You have made my night. I am stoked to see you have taken on the Big Apple Hot Dog and won. Big ticks in my book for you.

PS: Kind of worth it hey? :-)

Jenny Wynter said...

Hehe, you betchya!

Without your egging on, I doubt I would have bothered. So big ticks in my book for you also.

Rock on.