Thursday, August 24, 2006

"I Want to be in America"

I turned the radio on before and this exact West Side Story tune was playing. It made me smile.

It's so funny, because as much as I loved the entire mind-blowing experience of conquering the USA solo style, the whole time my heart was back on Australian time.

"Now they're waking up."

"Now they're having lunch."

"Now they're throwing their pre-bath-time tantrums."

But now here I am, back home again and the whole time-zone thing has flipped on its head. My heart (or part of it anyway) is on American time.

"Now they're flicking on the lights in Times Square."

"Now they're spruiking their CDs on Hollywood Boulevard."

"Now they're gambling in Vegas."

Okay, so that last one is kinda time-zone irrelevant.

But the point is, while I'm elated to be back with my family and friends, I miss America.

Who'da thunk?


Merrilee said...

Do you mean that you miss it in the i just came from a "holiday" in an amazing place and am still not really here way, or in the way that you would consider living out your years there?

Cazzie!!! said...

Welcome home, I bet the kids loved ur cuddles :)

Unknown said...

That's awesome! We miss you here too!

Jenny Wynter said...

Mezz - hmmmmm....a little of both actually.

Caz - they sure did. It's funny cos Ella was a bit emotional for the first couple of days, but Caleb just slipped back into things so easily, you'd think I'd never been away!

Kristen - Well thank you. Here's to mutual missing!

Rebecca said...

Hi Comic Mummy,
I miss America too, but only because my aim is bad.
Yeah an oldie I know, but it still deserves a run every now and then.
Welcome Back!

Anonymous said...

There is an easy solution to this. Get a second heart to leave behind.

Jenny Wynter said...

Rebecca - the oldies are the goodies for a reason. Hehe.

Kate - Hmmm...but it's just so hard to get a heart-dealer you can trust these days.