Monday, November 13, 2006

Belinda Emmett dies

Wow - this is really sad.


I remember earlier this year, when I saw Rove and Belinda at the Comedy Festival gala after-party, I was really shocked by how frail she looked and it actually hit home that it must be serious.

I mean, you read headlines, you see photos, but you kinda forget sometimes that these public people are actually real.

And that real things happen to them.

That aren't always nice.

Excuse me now while I log off and go hug my hubby.


Anonymous said...

I don't know who Belinda is but it's still sad. When you get attached to someone in the media etc or in real life, it's to believe. It makes everyone the same you know..that we have this one life and it is short.

Anonymous said...


Miss Construed... said...

I'm not a huge fan of Rove's but being an old Home and Away tragic I've been following Belinda, her career- and then sickness- for quite a while...she seemd beautiful inside and out.

Poor Rove and Belinda's family- I really feel for them all.

Jenny Wynter said...

Mrs Mogul - nice to see you around here!

Jon - nice to see you too: hmmm, did you actually read the blog post though dude?? I don't think 'awesome' really works...

rn_buffoon - I know, it sucks.

Cazzie!!! said...

I cried, she was lovely, Rone is lovely too, such a pair of dags, as the described themselves, just like my hubby and I are too.