Thursday, November 02, 2006

Death to all Nicknames

Ella has gone through more nick-names in her four and a bit years than nappies. Well, okay, that's a complete and utter exaggeration - there is absolutely no WAY anybody's taking the martydrom factor associated with bum-changing away from me - but you get the idea.

Nicknames we've rotated over the years for her include:

- Rabbie (as in, short for Rabbit)
- Schnook
- Mouse/mauschen/other variations on the 'mouse' theme
- Cutie
- Lunatic
- Poo-meister
- Low Sugar Pepsi

(By the way, that last one's made up. Just checking you were actually reading.)

The thing is, I love nicknames. I've always used them. I've always had them used on me. I've always seen them as a positive thing - a special way to bond, if you will. For what can be more loving than looking into that tender little muffin's eyes and saying "Pass the baby wipes my little love poodlet of choco-nuggetness"?

But now that's all to change - Ella is henceforth enforcing a 'no nicknames' rule, the only exception withstanding being "puppet" (the fact that I've never even called her 'puppet' in her entire life seems to be lost on her).

I will respect her wishes. But when her back is turned, when she is helpless on the monkey bars, when she is fast asleep all tucked up in bed...there's gonna be some heavy duty nickname whispering going on from my end. After all I've done, I feel it's the least I'm entitled to: my own little personal rebellion.



Rebecca said...

Bec the Tech
Big Red
10 Foot Chick, with the big hit.
And a lot of there ones, I really don't want to mention.

My eldest son use to get called Little Jack, despite his name being Adrian. This was because his father was always called Jack, despite that name not being anywhere near the case. My other son Zachary was always called Zacharack, or Mr Independent, a name to which he would cross his arms, put on a gruff look, and say "I'm not Mr Independent! Just leave me to do it myself."

Cazzie!!! said...

I was like..WTF with the low sugar pepsi!!! LOL Guessing I was on the ball?
I call my girls chicken!! They proceed to say, "I AM NOT A CHOOK!"

Merrilee said...

I was granted Mezza in about year 3. Being in a small rural school of 70, there were lots of '..zza' names (think shazza, wazza, bazza etc)
More recently it's just Mezz. I think that Brad and some of the improv guys have been the only ones to call me Mezza.
Some people have only ever known me as Mezza and are quite shocked when they hear "Merrilee" for the first time.

I've also gotten:
Chipmunk (for my high-school laugh)
Teaspoon (Aaron's recent counter to my "Milk Jug" for him)
Mee-lie (before the siblings could handle Merrilee)

..ok not really the last one

Sandra Davis said...

Everyone in my household is a "chicken"

We have
chicken boy - Joseph
chicken girl - Jess

and they call me chicken mamma

I have not idea why I decided name my offspring after foul.