Tuesday, November 07, 2006

This Week's Breaking Headlines

As you've no doubt noticed, I've been a little slack on the blogging front lately. But that's because it's been action, action, action all round at our joint. So, in the spirit of getting up to date quickly, here's this week's breaking Comic Mummy headlines!

1. Caleb Finally Out of Nappies. Mummy and Daddy elated.

2. Family Buys Campervan for Touring. Everybody Elated. Bank Account Empty.

3. Jen Sees "The Devil Wears Prada" and Likes it. Desires to Develop Actual Fashion Sense. But Bank Account Empty...


Miss Construed... said...

Awww..and if that(Caleb being out of nappies) doesn't make you want to rush out to the cabbage patch and pick up a 000 and start all over again then nothing will!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the potty training!!!!

And I love how you tied 1 and 3 together!! I want new clothes and a fashion sense also....bank account also empty.

Rebecca said...

With Caleb finally out of nappies, you will notice a slight increase in your bank account. Thus allowing you to buy some clothes, with the funds you have saved on nappies, nappisan, rash power and the like.

Jenny Wynter said...

rn_buffoon - I know, I know. I'm trying super-hard to keep that all in check. I'm visualising prophelactics as I type.

Kristen - thanks! I guess in the movie, she had the luxury of access to free amazing clothes. I've really gotta talk to my pint-sized employers to renegotiate benefits.

Rebecca - Here's hoping!!!!!!!