Monday, January 22, 2007

2007's not off to such a great start.

Our van's been stolen. Yes, that's right, our home, ladies and gentlemen, has been stolen. It sucks.

It took us months to save up for that tank of petrol.


greenkazbar said...

That's wretched Jenny, i hope you get it back soon... if you need a car while you're still in brissie i've got one you can borrow... i know it's not you're home... but it will help you to motor around

Anonymous said...

If you catch the bastards wot done it, give them a kick up the arse for me.

Jenny Wynter said...

greenkazbar - Oh, that's extremely kind of you. We do have our old car to motor along with in the meantime, so all's not completely lost. But the offer means a lot - thank you!!

Anon - It's number one on my list of things to do. :-)

Miss Construed... said...

That sucks Jen!