Monday, January 15, 2007

There Ain't No Groupies Like 3-year-old Groupies

So I'm doing story-telling at the new schmicko and amazing art gallery (which, might I add, is completely and utterly stunning and more importantly, child-friendly right down to the air conditioning and on-tap supplies of sunscreen) for the APT Kids Summer Spectacular.

Such a sweet gig - I get paid to rock up, tell stories for 25 minutes and then take my own kids to some of the wicked activities on offer and thus actually look like a semi-decent parent.

Then of course, today I actually got mobbed at the end of the show. By toddlers, no less. Have I made it, or what?


Miss Construed... said...

Toddlers are a tough crowd Jen- you've got more guts than Me!

Cazzie!!! said...

Way cool, you have the job I would sooo love to do,,,but wait, I get mobbed here at home when I read stories here, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Mobbed by toddlers?


I mean, that sounds like fun!!!

Jenny Wynter said...

rn_buffoon - oh they're not that bad. At least they're not drunk. :-)

Caz - my kids don't mob me so much (i.e. it comes with no adoration) as tear my hair out. Literally.

Anon - They're not doing the whole 'kill the pig, spill its blood' thing yet. But I'll keep ya posted.

Anonymous said...

The trick is, you have to be the one to suggest that. That way you avoid becoming the victim of the sacrifice yourself, and merely become its instigator. I'm sure you can slip in a 'Kill the pig! Spill its blood!' war cry in between nap-time and story time. The teachers won't mind, it will be a healthy exercise activity.

This is a school we're talking about, they probably do it all the time anyway.