Saturday, January 06, 2007

Houston, We Have A Performer

Ella: Mummy, what's this? (does a bow.)

Me: A bow.

Ella: When do you bow?

Me: Right after you've finished your performance.

Ella: Why?

Me: I guess so you can let people say thank you for performing.

Ella: Can you please make me skip and then clap?

Me: Okay.

(spinning the skipping rope, Ella jumping five or six times until missing the rope)

Me: (clapping) Yay! Woohoo! Ella! etc....

Ella: (bowing) Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen... (yelling) IS EVERYBODY HAVING A GOOD TIME?!!!!!


I promise I'm not training her.



Cazzie!!! said...

hahaha, child star ella :)

Rebecca said...

It's ok CM, we know you are not training her. If you were training her, she would have finished with "I'm here 'til Thursday, try the veal, don't forget to tip your waitress."