Friday, October 19, 2007

I'm turning Canadian, oh yes, I'm turning Canadian, I really think so...

I caught myself saying "staff" the other day - as in "ST-AAAAAAA-F". What the?

Then there's the fact that the Cayman has called me "Mom" at least twice.

Not to mention Ella's pleas of "Let's go to the store and get some candy."

We've only been here a little over six weeks - is this what happens? At this rate, by the time we set foot back in Oz we're going to be sweating maple syrup. Help!


Miss Construed... said...

Jenny Wynter: Comic Mommy

Anonymous said...

Struth, Blue! It's an attack of the dreaded Canadianitis syndrome! Quick, give the kids a good strong dose of a barbecued sausage sanga and a Fosters Brew, and she'll be apples, love - otherwise, by jingo, you won't know what's blood happened to them!

Jenny Wynter said...

Buffoon - Oh boy. If that ever happens you'd better post some Vegemite pronto!

Mr Anon - Crikey, you're right! There's plenty of Fosters to be had over this side of the world too, I'm happy/sad to report.