Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Kids Musical CDs vs Mama

So we're spending the morning dancing like lunatics to this kids' CD that my dad got for my daughter - it's one of those 'personalised' ones where they insert said child's name into every song at regular intervals.

"Let's Pretend, Ella!"
"What's Your Favourite Colour, Ella?"
"I think You're Special, Ella!"

Oh yes, it all started as fun and games...til I began to feel a little threatened. Ain't no CD gonna give my kid more love and attention than me...

Now the obvious solution would be to focus on giving more love and attention - I however, prefer the road less travelled.

That CD's gotta burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(No pun intended. Seriously.)


Anonymous said...

Maybe you'll just Always have to listen to the tape with her- and hide it in high places those times you really don't feel like listening to it!

It's hard for the CD to become more treasured than you if it's use is strictly controlled and limited.


Huggies said...

Donate it to the 4ZZZ library..

Anonymous said...

No, no, no, no, no.

You are missing out on an excellent opportunity here. Instead of destroying the offending article, you should secretly implant upon it subliminal messages to impart to your daughter, a la The Simpsons or The Beatles. You know, "Ella - clean your room!", "Ella, do the dishes!" "Ella, make Mummy and Daddy dinner!"

Jenny Wynter said...

Anonymous - that is BRILLIANT!!!! In fact, I can't believe I didn't think of that before - I can guarantee if that was available for sale I would buy a stack of them. My fave would be "Ella, get a well paying job so you can look after Mummy and Daddy during retirement!"