Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Just when you thought it would be hard to leave Brisbane...

...it got harder.

For our ever-nomadic clan has now settled for the next few months into the most amazing house we've ever lived in.

We're living with my brother Billy, girlfriend Sam and dog Kelly (we're being very careful not to confuse the two) in a house complete with air-con, swimming pool and roof-top deck complete with 360 degree views of Brisvegas. And it's still cheap enough - God bless house-sharing - for us to save dosh to get to the UK.

Problem is...it's gonna be mighty hard to pry ourselves away from this pad. Here's hoping my brother really really REALLY bugs the hell out of me from here on.

Cross your fingers everybody.


Anonymous said...

The thing is, I'm wondering how exactly you confuse Billy, Sam, and Kelly?

- Silly, Bam, and Kelly?
- Killy, Belly, and Sam? (Kill Belle? Was that the sequel to Kill Bill?)
- Billy, Ellie and Scam?

Heck, if you throw yourself into the mix (Jen, Billy, Sam, and Kelly), things get even WORSE:

- Jilly, Benny, Sam and Kenny
OR (my personal favourite):
- Jelly, Jam, Bolly and Spam.

Maybe you should become a gestalt entity and just have one name: Jennybillysamkelly) and just go about calling one another that. Of course, if everyone had the same name, that would just lead to a DIFFERENT type of confusion - as I very well know! Better to just stick with anon, eh?

Anonymous said...

or, as i was goin 2 say: does billy's girl read this blog & know u confusing her with a mutt?

Anonymous said...

Then again, on re-reading the relevant passage, I think Jenny's telling us that she has a giiiiiirlfriend.

She's a kinky-di Australian!

Jenny Wynter said...

Goodness me, people, calm down! This is how terrible rumours start.

Please, here. Have some chammomile (and when you drink it, be sure to check the spelling on it, won't you?)

Anonymous said...

White with pun, please.

Unknown said...

That is too funny. I'm sure he will bug you at least a bit- he is, after all, your brother and how dare he call himself a brother without bugging at least a little, right?

Merrilee said...

..I'm confused.
so you're in brisbane still???