Thursday, June 14, 2007

Announcing a landmark

My first ever official fan-mail: tee hee.

Hi Jenny, May I first say how much I enjoy your work, I heard a bit of your "act" and I became a fan straight away, you're hilarious! I watched all of the clips on your site and Myspace and I laughed so much that it almost hurt, you're brilliant!

I have sent you this e-mail to therefore ask if it was possible for me to have your autograph, as I collect autographs of comedians that I like, so if you could send me one, I would be very grateful, thanks.

I would come along to one of your live shows and ask you in person, but as I live in the middle of nowhere in Britain, it's fairly unlikely that I'll get the chance, ha ha.
Anyway, I just thought I would ask, and also say how much I enjoy your work, I look forward to hearing back from you, but until then take care, keep up the good work, bye for now,

Vince C.

I just have to record that for posterity (translation = my ego)'s sake.


Girl Clumsy said...

Maybe "autograph" is code for "naked picture"?

;) Just kidding.

I used to get phone calls from listeners saying how much they liked my news-reading skills... that's dropped to zilch since I've been on this political round. I mustn't exist anymore for them as I don't read anymore.


"Autocue ergo sum"
(I read the news, therefore I am.)

Jenny Wynter said...

Hehe, my personal mottos range between "Funnius ha-haius ergo sum" and "Poowipus ergo sum."

And let's hope you're wrong about the naked picture thang. The moment I start sending those pics out, is the moment the hate-mail begins...