Tuesday, June 05, 2007

When positive reinforcement goes wrong

Me: Oh Caleb. You're a good boy, aren't you?

Him: I not a good boy.

Me: What do you mean? Yes you are! You're a really good boy!

Him: I NOT A GOOD BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: Oh.

Thoughtful pause.

Me: Well, what are you then?

A second thoughtful pause.

Him: I Superman!

I really must send an update notification to the dudettes behind "What To Expect When You're Expecting."


Elaine Denning said...

After reading your previous post, I thought I'd actually say 'HI' today.

So...hi there! Great party! Where's the bar?

Seriously, I've been reading for a while now. (Bowing at your feet.) And I'll be back :)

Jenny Wynter said...

Oh yay! Hi!

Where's the bar indeed? I've been wondering that for months now. Perhaps I should implement a BYO policy. Only then I'd have to charge for corkage. And I've always thought that was silly.

Anyway, *bowing back* happy to make your acquaintance after all this time. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi CM,
Don't worry about your son thinking he is Superman, all males go through that stage. The good thing is, it will be out of his system by the time he is 46. Just in time for a mid life crisis.

Anonymous said...


You know Sarah Silverman is a classic.
Nothing is sacred with her.

If you get the chance you really have to check out her opening monologue for the MTV Movie awards.
Gret stuff.


Lotsa lurv

Matt Halpin

Jenny Wynter said...

Rebecca - how wise you are, sensai. :-) With any luck the end of his superman complex with then coincide with an inexplicable desire to take care of his mum and dad. Here's hoping!

Matt - Oh yeah, I checked it out already, she's hilarious. I actually bought her 'Jesus is Magic' DVD in the States, very very funny stuff.

Lurve right back atchya! x