Saturday, April 21, 2007

Ella has the Chickenpox

Apparently my itchiness to get overseas is contagious.

Though my condition does not require three baths a day, a constant change of bedsheets or panadol.



Cazzie!!! said...

Awww, bless her. I had all four of my kids get it at once this time last year. Glad they all got it at once, yet not at the time!!

Anonymous said...

Chicken pox? Yikes! Have you told her yet that in a couple of days time, the spots will turn into feathers and she will get an odd urge to cry 'Cock-a-doodle-doo' at early hours of the morning?

Jenny Wynter said...

Caz - Holy hell. FOUR at the same time? I would need valium.

Anon - Are you kidding? She's a 'rise to the occasion' kinda gal. If I do that, she's bound to start splitting open all the pillows in the house and gluing the feathers to her skin, not to mention awakening even earlier and screaming like a rooster.