Sunday, April 22, 2007


My poor little mouse.

She was up a lot of last night, trying hard not to scratch herself but going crazy from the whole thing. But we have had progress. For instance:

- Ella has decided that the novelty of getting lots of attention for her condition has worn off.
- I have introduced her to Astro Boy.
- I have now progressed from dabbing her individual 'pocks' (as I like to call them) with calamine lotion, to just painting stripes of it over her entire body. At this rate, by tomorrow morning I'll just have a bucket of the stuff on hand to tip straight over her head.

I'm still coming to terms with being 100% housebound for at least the next week. And I'm torn between wanting Caleb to catch it to just get the whole thing over and done with, and wanting to delay the nightmare of convincing a not-yet-3-year-old not to scratch his insanely itching body.

Given that I can barely talk him into prying off his Superman suit - even when it's covered in last Thursday's pumpkin soup - trying to battle the right and wrong way to handle a flesh-eating disorder (hey, don't accuse me of melodrama, I'm getting cabin fever in here!) is not my idea of a rock'n'roll time.

Ah me.

At least Big Brother has just started. Oh no. Did I really just write that?

*banging head against wall*


Cazzie!!! said...

LOl, I know, I am into the BB thing this year already too!!!
My Sarah was like the policewoman in the house here when they all had the "Pocks". She would tell the others, "No scratching your pocks, you will get a scar". It was true too, Nick got a couple of scars because he didnt listent to her.
I found that after a little while, a few days, the calamine lotion got the flick and I got some solosite gel from the chemist. It seemed to allay the itching and stop the pocks from scarring. It also hydrated the skin and so was less drying than the calamine.

Louise said...

OOooooh poor thing! And by that I mean you actually. Poor Ella too, but really, this will be a vague memory for her in a few years- so maybe there is an up side to getting the dreaded C-Pox young?

Calamine hugs from China!

Momentary Madness said...

came over from "cassie" flesh-eating disorder: got me there for a bit e. I'm glad to hear it's norman. Enjoy the week. Y:-) Paddy

Jenny Wynter said...

Caz - Ooh, my first practical tip from a cm reader! I will certainly suss it out. Cheers! :-)

Louise - Ooh, my first calamine hug from a cm reader! Bless you. xx

Paddy - Ooh, my first incoherent comment from a cm reader! Uh, here's a stab in the dark: you're either really really intelligent, or really really drunk. Either way, ta! ;-)

Merrilee said...

I have Jem on DVD.
And also more astro boy.
Do you want me to bring you some DVDs?