Monday, October 23, 2006

Poor Britney

Oh boy. This is probably old news to some, but I have only just stumbled across it: a quite private (no, not in that way) home movie of Britney Spears.

Watching it, I went from perplexed to amused to guilty - there comes a point where you feel like you shouldn't be watching, but then you just can't help yourself. In fact, I feel a little bit bad about even contemplating sharing it.

But obviously not too bad.


Cazzie!!! said...

That is so sad!!! She diod do some pretty awsome live shows and looked so fit and healthy earlier on..what a waste of life.

Jenny Wynter said...

I'm reminded of what my friend Pete once said: "I never feel bad for celebrities. Because they've sold themselves as commodities. It's their choice."

Then I freak out - cos isn't that what you have to do to get where you want to go(on the career front, at least) - promote and sell yourself??

I guess there's a fine line between putting yourself out there and just plain old selling out.


Merrilee said...

I am always dubious of can never be sure if it's really what it's claiming to be.
It does look a lot like her though - weird.
I guess she's human too though, so yeah..