Monday, October 02, 2006

Who said TV was bad?

Well, whoever you obviously haven't had the week I've had.

Frankly, TV can rock. And here's some reasons why:

Without television...I would never have been able to sit back and enjoy the thrill of introducing my little tikes to The Sound of Music. "Brace yourself kids," I said, tucking us all up under my favourite funky doona in preparation for their first ever viewing of my all-time favourite childhood movie, "this is a momumentous occasion." And aside from flashing back to my bitter disappointment at Julie Andrews' failure to reply to an impassioned fan letter, it was.

Without television...I would never have been able to sit back and enjoy my latest (and late!) comedic discovery of Wallace and Gromet. The "Were-Rabbit" movie aroused a chortle factor of 'serious', just as the first half of this sentence aroused a tosser factor of 'beyond help'.

And finally, without television...the low-cost babysitter would be but a myth.


Cazzie!!! said...

HA!!! LOL!!! The low cost babysitter indeed. Nothing like the Simpsons at 6pm so I can do the dishes in peace and quiet and log on to check blogs if I am not too tired to do so :)

Unknown said...

I agree- the low cost babysitter rocks.

Jenny Wynter said...

Caz - damn straight. The only reason I can even stomach Hi-Five at all is cos they give me nap-time.

I always have ginger tablets on hand just in case thought. Hi-Five. *shudder*

Jenny Wynter said...

All hail cheap-child-care!!

Huggies said...

Pity most stuff on TV is crap.

Jenny Wynter said...

Ah yes, but you see we have the ultimate set-up: TV strictly for DVD use only, so we call the shots, baby! It's the closest I'm ever gonna get to Content Director and that's okay. :-)