Sunday, October 08, 2006

Proof that I've gotta work a bit harder at this whole 'life balance' thing...

Caleb (as I'm tucking him into bed): "Do doe pig?"

Translation = "You go gig?"


Cue violins.

Oprah - where the hell are you when I need you?


Unknown said...

Awe! I love how gig is "pig" LOL.

Jenny Wynter said...

It made me chuckle a bit too - I guess there are some similarities between the two...

Cazzie!!! said...

outta the mouths of babes hey..they certainly know when we are going to be going to work or whatever don't they? Every Friday and Saturday night the girls say, "Do you HAVE to go to work in the morning mummy?" Then every Monday morning they say, "You AREN'T going to work today are you mummy?"

Sandra Davis said...

I actually experienced major guit last night, heading out to a comedy thang! My daughter who is almost 12 gave me the hardest time about going out at night "again". Which to be honest I don't do all that often but it seems whenever I leave them in the care of others is to do a "comedy thing".

There were tears and defiance and downright boundary testing going on.

Although I feel I am doing everything the way I need to, to be a blanaced human being, I still can't escape the guilt!

Jenny Wynter said...

Caz - I know, the other night Tim went off to some event or other, and Ella tried to stop him with "you don't go out after dark, only mummy goes out after dark."


Sandra - Guilt's a killer, huh? I know. I'm dead.

Cazzie!!! said...

You may be able to help me by looking at my current post on comedy hon...naming a few more comedy shows that have graced our TV over the years and all.