Monday, October 23, 2006

Whaddya know? I like the tikes.

I'm just loving the kids at the moment. Which is damn pleasant.

You see, thanks to day-care day changes (some of which is my own doing, some of which just comes down to good old-fashioned lack of vacancies), I now only have one, that's right, ONE child-free day per week. Or, to put it another way, I have at least one child with me for six days of the week.

The hugest up-side of this is that the kids' behaviour has improved immensely, thus making them a LOT more fun to hang with- plus I find myself actually enjoying the more relaxed start to the mornings, where we can laze in bed (well, more accurately, I laze in bed while they tear the house to pieces, but at least I've trained them to tear it to pieces with some consideration on the noise front) and ease our way into the day. Yes, much much nicer than the whole running-out-the-door-with-toast-stuck-up-my-nostrils-to-make-it-to-daycare-by-9.30-and-not-be-exposed-for-the-incompetent-parent-I-am type start.

And...shock horror! We're actually having fun together. Yesterday, for instance...I finally made cut-out cookies with Ella, something I've been procrastinating since she discovered the ability to grip. And it was fun! Sure, the actual cookies crumbled to pieces cos domesticity and I are like Michael Jackson and Lisa-Marie Presley: never meant to go together. BUT... the whole 'mummy/daughter bonding' thing? Big tick.

I never thought I'd be one of those mummies, you know, "motherhood is so fulfilling, tra la la la" and so on - on the average day the only thing I am filled full with are thoughts of escape - but lately, despite myself, I'm really digging my kiddlies. (Now I've said that, of course, I've probably jinxed myself - they'll probably break into my room tonight and rub snot all over my sleeping bod.)

But for now. Little Homies = Pretty Cool.

That's the upside.

The downside? I've never felt so exhausted in my entire l-



Cazzie!!! said...

I have Thursday to my own self...boys at school, girls at kindergarten, so it is n ice not to have to worry about them until the school bell goes at 3pm :)
I go to the flicks or out to lunch. Sometimes I choose to read a book and just lounge about. We all need it to maintain sanity in this busy time.

Miss Construed... said...



You must have slept now for two days!

PS... I can't wait for next year in some respect- my little Son off to big school and all- but then Panic Stations! No excuses not to get back into the workforce full time after raising the chillun' for fourteen years. Gulp.

Hey- maybe I could just have another kid? It'll be five grand a Pop by the time I'm due( and whichever man that said that kid's just 'Pop Out' had to be kidding right?)!

Hey; I've always said it was my life's ambition to be raising children for thirty years...didn't I?

What do you reckon- should I throw this question the NTS-N's way?

More posts please; how's the Nov comedy tour plans coming along?