Monday, May 15, 2006

Back to earth with a thud

I'm officially a basket-case.

Even without the dramatic contrast to the bliss-filled weekend, tonight would be tough. Ella has finally succumbed to sleep but Caleb is still going strong, throwing what is becoming not only the world's largest tantrum, but the longest. It's his birthday and he'll cry if he wants to. Apparently for two hours forty-three minutes at last count.

There's no emoticon that describes how I'm feeling right now, but if there was I suspect it might look like this.

Help wanted.


Sharpie said...

ouch!! No assvice here - as I was the mom who laid down with her kids every night until they fell asleep. Mine were horrible sleepers. Now they are fine - Thanks God - because the drinking at night to unwind after all that screaming was hell in the morning. lol

Jenny Wynter said...

Hehe...that's funny, when I rang my hubby (he does sleepover shifts sometimes) his advice was to get onto the Port.

I think that's half my problem - sometimes I lie down with them, sometimes I don't. I was chatting to someone the other day about getting into more of a routine and they were all sunshiney smiles and like "yeah, just go through the routine and you'll have it all sorted in two or three months!"


*gulping down Port*

sarahgrace said...

Yeah- my face has looked like that many a time too. So I hope my kids are nice to me this week, because one more day, and I just may look like that forever...

Cazzie!!! said...

Have had those days before..with having had 4 kids. Nick was the worst, the 7 yr old, my 2nd born. Went to sleep classes and all that jazz. to no avail, cannot help a shit of a kid, he grew out of it at age 4.
I kept my sense of humour, left him where he was safe and took myself out the back of the house for some down time. Not much of a hand from the grandparents though. Ange was good taking the kids out for an hour here or there so I could get a rest or a granny nap.
I still granny nap at times when the girls are asleep and the boys are at school. My only other rest time is when I am at work realy..and that could mean a shift on a busy ward or in the emergency department, but at least it is a rest from home :(
Port..what a great idea!!

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