Friday, July 14, 2006

Friday in a Nutshell

How's this for efficiency?

1. The awards ceremony went well, complete with good strong coffee and nice little rectangle sandwiches with nice things stuffed inside. Here I rubbed shoulders with some of the other Fellowship winners (what a damn inspiring bunch!) and the speech - though I muddled up the order of what I was going to say completely - actually went down pretty well. On my last sentence, the Lord Mayor actually called out 'Bravo!' Either that or in my adrenalised delerium I misheard him actually saying 'Get off!'

2. Took my beautiful auntie and uber-publicist Viv out for lunch in the Valley, where she got me even more psyched for my trip, including recommendations to:

- take copies of my Courier Mail interview to flaunt shamelessly at every given opportunity;
- get a recording of a radio interview I've set up in New York;
- visit the Tetenem(??? I'm having problems even recalling the name, let alone the spelling) Museum to witness a slice of 1920's New York.

3. Am shortly to venture up to ZZZ studios for what will be my last Frog and Peach show til late August. *sniff* I feel we should do something incredibly land-markish, though what that would be, I have no idea. Still, I have twenty-four minutes to work it out.

4. Then home tonight for what has become our ritual...Friday night pizza!!!

Dig it. Yeah.


Huggies said...

No Alex on air either :( ? His interview with puppetry of the penis this week was very good.

Unknown said...

You're making me want pizza! And I'm so glad your speech went well! We knew you'd do great!

Pendullum said...

Congrats on the award ceremony...

Brunch AND Lunch... you got all the food groups in there...
did you do lupper and then finish it witha bit of dinna?

Jenny Wynter said...

Huggies - don't fret, Alex'll be back after next week. He's heading down to Splendour for the weekend. I know, he's the best interviewer I know (not that I'm biased)!

Kristen - thanks as always. And don't let me be the cause of your pain: if the woman feels like pizza, then give the woman pizza! Go girl.

pendullum - I know, I'm very efficient with my food groups. I've found it helps to just eat as much as possible - statistically speaking, then you've got better odds of getting all your nutrients in there.

Rebecca said...

Hi Comic Mum,
Here is an idea for a segment for the show. "Totally Amazing Useless Facts". Get people to call in with stuff they know, which is intersting, but at the end of the day, who really cares.
Things like "The standard spacing of lines on a freeway is each line 2 metres long, with a 7 metre gap between each one."
Who cares, but at least now, if the distance meter stops working on your car, as long as you can count and do maths quickly, you will know how far you have gone.

Jenny Wynter said...

That's brilliant! Consider your suggestion added - I'll even give you a verbal nod on the show (not that you'll hear it) but it's the thought that counts.
