Saturday, July 08, 2006

Movies I hope they don't show on my plane trip

The longest I've ever been on a plane is two and a half hours and even THAT freaked me out. So the thought of a long-distance haul, while mega-mega-exciting in terms of the destination, is a one-way ticket (if you'll pardon the pun) to panic.

The one thing that I'm counting on to distract me from my phobia is movies on tap. So long as they're not:

Superman Returns...
...which I saw today, hence triggering this entry. Now if Superman were real, I could calm myself in the knowledge that even if something did happen during my flight, he'd at least consider saving me. Especially if he dug my bling-bling.

...cos I don't care how good my co-passenger's biceps look, I ain't eating that.

United 93...
...sing it with me people: Freak Out!

...unless of course, Matthew Fox is actually on-board my flight.

Air-Force One...
...cos in-air action aside, anything with Harrison Ford these days scares the living daylights out of me.

Cross your fingers for me, won't you?


Louise said...

It could be worse: they could show Titanic, and by the time the bloody boat hits the over-sized ice cube you'll actually be WILLING the plane to pitch into the ocean!

I've done the 20-25hrs flights a few times and my advice is a gin and tonic (or whatever's your poison) when you get in the air, one with dinner, and if you can still focus, one more when they come to collect your meal trays. There's nothing quite like alcohol at 30,000 feet to take the edge off.

Also, be prepared- many of the airlines are too cheap these days to give out ear plugs/socks/eyemasks now even on long-haul flights. Pack your own.

PS. If you're worried about getting dehydrated with all that gin, take a big bottle of water, many airlines have a water tap you can refill from, usually outside the toilets (not the basin water!)... saves having to call the air-chicky-poo time and time again for a pissy little half-filled cup.

That's my two cents (or should it be minimum 5c advice in Australia now??)

Girl Clumsy said...

Well I was going to recommend drugs, but I guess alcohol is good enough! I've got a terrible record with planes - although I'm proud to say it's been over 7 years I think since I last vomited mid-flight.

But I always take medication for nausea - normally Stemzine. Helps me feel a bit more normal.

The funniest plane movie I ever saw was "Forces of Nature". The whole point of the movie is that Ben Affleck and Sandra Bullock get thrown together after their plane has a crash landing during a storm. Of course, planes can't (or won't) show footage of planes crashing etc, in case it upsets passengers. So I saw the two actors get on the plane and start talking, then it abruptly cut to a chaotic airport scene after the crash landing. So. Lame.

Cheers, Nat.

Rebecca said...

Hi Comic Mummy,
Just hope they don't have a Police Academy marathon.

I share your hatred of flying. Ok, so I am that bad, I am getting sick just writing about planes.
I worked it out one year though, and i had actually spent 82 days of the year flying. That's 24/7 worth of 82 days.
Even with all those hours under my belt, I still can't stand flying.
One thing I found was to block my ears, lean all the way forward and close my eyes during take offs and landings. It helped me to think I wasn't actualy on a plane.

Huggies said...

I think the worse movie they could show on a plane would by Delta Force staring Chuck Norris who saves a plane flight from hijackers.

Take a few sleeping pills on the flight and you should be right.